Minsa: More than a million people have been tested for HIV this year | Lima | Events


The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that 1,295,456 people have already visited institutions, campaigns or brigades rapid HIV test. In this context, this office will carry out a prevention campaign on Plaza Manco Cápac, in Victory.

According to Minsa, the goal is to make an early diagnosis and not to reach the AIDS phase. And in our country, according to official reports, it is estimated that 72,000 people are living with HIV, but only 56,937 (79%) know their diagnosis.

Over the past five years (2013-2017), the number of reported cases has increased due to an increase in the number of people participating in the rapid test. This helps adequately treat the sexually transmitted infection, Minsa said.

Since there were no symptoms, he said it was important to do the scrapping test at least once a year. The test is to take a drop of blood on the finger. The preliminary result is ready in 20 minutes.

The activity of free trial and tips will take place this Saturday, December 1st at Plaza Manco Cápac (La Victoria), from 08:00 to 20:00as part of World AIDS Day.

The Ministry of Health guarantees free access to the rapid HIV test in all its facilities, especially to pregnant women to prevent the newborn from being born with the infection.

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