Minsa to receive $ 1 billion from IDB to secure health services | Economy


The Ministry of Health (Minsa) asked for a credit of S / 1,000 million to Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank (WB) to guarantee health services in the country, as announced today by the head of the sector, Silvia Pessah, as part of its participation in CADE 2018.

During her presentation at the business forum, the Minister of Health said they would focus on six areas of development, with a plan for integrated networks.

The investment will be oriented towards accessibility, connectivity, implementation, ICT, human resources, as well as drug distribution and storage.

For this, Pesach estimates that 100 health networks will be set up in 2019 and that 200 will be reached for the bicentennial.

"No health facility can work if we do not have connectivity", he said.


The minister said the top three health sector issues are corruption and bureaucracy, duplicity of benefits and recoveries, and patient distribution.

"We need simpler administrative processes. The processes of the Minsa are extremely complex, cumbersome. The papers requested from patients are too numerous, "he said.

He also discussed the exchange of profits with the private sector, where he observed unacceptable actions.

"Let's do things right, without overestimating the actions," he said.

In addition, Pesach said that of the country's 19,779 health care providers, more than half (10,811) were in private hands.

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