Moíses Mamani: Ethics and Ethics Committee meets behind closed doors to file a grievance on an aeromoza in Congress | Photo 1 of 6 | Politics


The Ethics Committee of the Congress of the Republic set for this Wednesday the session that deals with the case of the air hostess of the airline Latam who denounced by improperly touching the lawmaker of Popular strength, Moíses Mamani.

MP Fujimorista arrived in the afternoon today in the room where the session was held, where the complainants were also present to allow the members of this working group to collect their statements.

However, despite the fact that congressional committee sessions are generally of a public nature, it was decided on this occasion to be private because the same hostess had asked for it.

The working group chaired by parliamentarian Janet Sánchez (Peruanos por el Kambio) accepted the request.

After a few hours of beginning of session, the Congressman of New Peru, Tania Pariona , told reporters that his counterpart, Alberto Quintanilla, told him how the interrogation was going.

Quintanilla is one of the members of the Congressional Ethics Committee; Pariona no.

"What has been done here is a revictimization of the victim because he has not been asked the right questions, when questions of this nature are asked and the credibility of the victim is questioned, what we can understand, "said the parliamentarian. .

According to Pariona, "they claim that the congressman Mamani I would have had health problems. "Here we advocate the defense of the aggressor and go against the injured. This is not correct, "he said.

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