Molinos El Pirata vs Alianza University LIVE live via Facebook live for feha 2 of the Final Cup Peru 2018


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Molinos El Pirata will measure the forces against University Alliance LIVE at the Estadio Miguel Grau del Callao, on Wednesday from 15.30, on the second date of the quadrangular of Final Cup Peru 2018. The transmission and the minute per minute will be in charge of via Facebook live.

After the crushing 4-0 win over Santos FC, Juan Carlos Bazalar's team will be looking to win the home team's favorite against the Huanuco team, adding three vital points and reach the decisive date with all in his favor.

So, with confidence for the big debut of the short tournament, & # 39;Juanca& # 39; Will appeal to his best pieces in which he considers Alex Valera (author of a brace against Santos), in addition to Esparza and Ramirez to ensure the attack and the midfield move.

For its part, Alianza Universidad de Huanúco comes from the defeat against UDA Huancavelica. However, they complained of poor registration of Edseel Quiroz, that would give the points of commitment.

Although the strategist Ronny Revollar He assured that he is far from any kind of distractions because his lens is frozen in the match against the Lambayeque club, which he hopes to win to stay in contention for the coveted spot in the first division.

It must be remembered that the tournament's best score runs & # 39;The final of Copa Peru will have the opportunity to go directly to the Decentralized 2019, however, the second and third places will have a chance, since there will be a quadrangular with the second and third places of the second division, two of these teams will move to Prmera Division.

Probable Alignments Molinos El Pirata vs Alianza Universidad:

Molinos El PirataVallejo A. Vallejo M, Montenegro, Flores, Quevedo, Mendoza, Suarez, Sandoval, Valera, Esparza and Ramirez.

DT. Juan Carlos Bazalar

University AllianceLaura Cámara, Morales, Fernandez, Vizconde, Bashi; Roach, Campos, Trujillo; Barrier, porthole.

DT: Ronny Revollar.

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