Mónica Cabrejos to Janet Barboza: "Tell Isabel Acevedo that the other is aggressive" | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 3 | Shows


Janet Barboza squared off Mónica Cabrejos for calling Isabel Acevedo "the other". The panelist from 'Espectáculos & # 39; felt that the word was shocking and that the attitude of & # 39; Rulitos & # 39; was not correct.

What do you think of the qualifier "the other" that Janet Barboza was referring to "Chabelita"?

I love them both, they are royal, I think that "Chabelita" wins a place, after all the scandal that surrounded their relationship. Saying that "the other" is aggressive enough, but that "Chabelita" said that he was not answering Janet because she was a "woman", I do not think it's the most intelligent thing.

Do you think Janet has surpassed herself by calling "the other" to "Chabelita"?
That does not seem fair to me (Janet's statement), in all honesty. I do not know if Karla (Tarazona) is friends with her or not. It is very aggressive to say "the other" to a woman. I find that very offensive. I do not think that right now, in the life of Christian (Domínguez), she is the other. They are formal and formal partners.

Do you think that & # 39; Chabelita & # 39; receives unjustified insults?
Here, we are demonizing the third discord when in reality it is he who has gained a foothold. Isabel was single.

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