NASA celebrates July 4 with "fireworks" in the space | Instagram | United States | Independence Day | Science | Technology and Science


July 4th is a special date for the United States, it is Independence Day. The NASA could not be unaware of this celebration and through his account of Instagram joined the celebrations.

"Celestial Fireworks!", Headlines NASA which published a 19459007 photo of Space where a collection of is seen stars located about 20 000 light-years from Earth that give the impression of an explosion of colors: red, white and blue.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found this cosmic landscape, which apparently shows a vision of serenity and color. However, the agency explains that it is a rather hostile environment, with ultraviolet radiation and stellar winds strong.

The lifespan of a star is determined by its mass, so that a bunch of a certain age contains stars at different stages of their life, this which gives the opportunity for a detailed analysis of the cycles of stars, explains NASA .

The cluster that we can see on the photo published in Instagram contains some of the most massive known stars. These giant stars live fast and die young, burning their fuel at incredible speed and thus ending their lives in supernova explosions.

Star clusters give astronomers important clues to understanding the origin of massive star formation in the early universe, concludes NASA .


The NASA is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States.

It was founded by President Dwight D. Einsenhower in 1958 with a civil orientation.

Among the most important successes of NASA are the missions Apollo which reached the Moon. Currently supports the International Space Station while exploring other planets, stars, being its closest target Mars, the red planet.

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