NASA completes preparations to reach the Sun | Parker solar probe | Science | Technology and Science


The NASA recent days the launch of a probe that is closer than any other Sun is reporting this week the institution.

The probe Parker named in honor of Eugene Parker, the astrophysicist who developed supersonic solar wind theory, will be launched from Cape Canaveral, in the state of Florida (USA), from August 6, according to a statement from the agency

The mission will approach 6 million kilometers from the solar surface at a speed that will reach 200 kilometers per second in a mission in which she will analyze the behavior of the star both at a distance and in the place itself.

This will be the first time that a mission enters the solar corona, a region that reaches temperatures much higher than the surface of the "star-king". , Alex Young, scientist or expert of NASA recalled that they "study the Sun for decades and now" will go "where the action is."

The project will attempt to shed light on the influences of the Sun, as well as the secrets that only astrophysical theory has dared to answer, such as the acceleration of solar winds.

Source: EFE


This is a G-type star that is in the center of our system in the Milky Way.

It is an almost perfect spherical plasma ball that has a magnetic field.

Three quarters of its mass consists of hydrogen. The rest is helium and other elements such as oxygen, carbon, neon and iron.

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