NASA "hears" the electromagnetic waves between Saturn and Enceladus


The National Administration of Aeronautics and Space ( NASA managed to hear the sound of electromagnetic energy moving between Saturn, and its Moon, Enceladus

The observations made by the Cassini spacecraft show for the first time that the waves move in magnetic field lines directly connecting the "ring planet" to its largest satellite

The US Space Agency explained that the field lines are like an electrical circuit between the two bodies, the energy flowing back and forth In order to listen to the interaction, scientists have converted the recording of plasma waves into a "whooshing" audio file, which can be heard in the same way that a radio translates the waves electromagnetic in music

This, established by NASA, if Cassini has detected that electromagnetic waves have been detected in the audio frequency range.

The RPWS instrument embarked on the spacecraft was responsible for recording plasma waves during the "Grand Finale" mission. The recording time was compressed at 16 minutes 28.5 seconds.

"Enceladus is this little generator that revolves around Saturn, and we know that it's a source of continuous energy," said Ali Sulaiman, a scientist from University of Iowa

. "We now find that Saturn responds by sending signals in the form of plasma waves, through the circuit of magnetic field lines that connect it to Enceladus at hundreds of thousands of kilometers," adds Sulaiman, a member of the RPWS team

. ] NASA explained that the interaction of Saturn and Enceladus is different from the Earth with the Moon, since the satellite of the "ringed planet" is immersed in the magnetic field of its host.

The recording made by the RPWS team at the University of Iowa and led by principal investigator, Bill Kurth, was captured two weeks before Cassini end his mission of nearly 13 years.


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