Nearly 80 teenagers will die of AIDS every day by 2030


About 360,000 adolescents will die of AIDS or a related illness from 2018 to 2030 there is no progress in research, prevention and treatment, accounting for 76 deaths a day, warned Unicef.

The number of new infections in the 0 to 19 age group, based on current projections and trends, it is estimated at 270,000 in 2030, a decline of one – third from the current population.according to the report "Children, HIV and AIDS: The World in 2030", published two days before World AIDS Day.

Deaths of children and adolescents due to AIDS or related diseases It will also grow from the current 119,000 to 56,000 by 2030, a year set by the UN for the eradication of the disease.

But by adding up these accumulated deaths, the data show that nearly 80 teenagers will die on average every day until this year.

"The report clearly indicates, without a doubt, that the world is wrong when it comes to ending AIDS in children and adolescents by 2030said the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef), Henrietta Fore.

"Programs aimed at treating the virus and preventing its spread among other children are far from what they should be," Fore said.

About 700 adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 are infected each day by the AIDS virus (HIV).

And according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, By 2030, the number of new infections among children during its first decade of life should be halved, and in 29% of 10 to 19 year olds.

Currently, 3 million children and adolescents living with HIV worldwide, and more than half of them are in southern and eastern Africa.

According to Unicef, the reaction of the disease in children has two major flaws: the slow progress in HIV prevention among children and the inability to cope with the epidemic factor, this means that many children and teenagers do not know if they have HIV and, when they know it, very few follow the treatment.

The report recommends increasing tests to diagnose children with HIV who do not know their HIV status, more diagnostic technologies or a community-based approach to reach adolescents.

"We can not win the battle against HIV if we do not accelerate the progress of prevention of transmission to the next generation," Fore warned.

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