Nestlé invests in a new panettone line | Economy | Businesses


Even with a 38% share in the panettone market, Nestle admits that competition is strong and must continue to innovate. As a result, it has invested in its plant in Cercado de Lima to open a new category.

Ricardo Bassani, director of the confectionery division, stressed that the effort was aimed at creating the panettone line for the Chocotón brand.

Today, he said, special panetones already account for 5% of the market and its sales are growing at double digits.

The company also relies on custom panetones, through activations in key points of the city. It also strengthens the distribution.

Supported by these strategies, Nestle It expects an 8% growth in the sale of panettone and a 40% stake, mainly driven by D & # 39; Onofrio, as well as Buon Natale, Motta and Chocotón.

About 5% of its production is exported.


Although the distribution and sale of panettone starts in September with many presentations on the stock market, the demand is changing in December and the formats in box occupy a central place.

And, having a better image, these formats are privileged as gifts for Christmas Eve and already represent 40% of sales in the total market, said Bassani.
He added that his application is relevant even if its value is on average 10% higher than that of panettone on the stock market.


Nestlé estimates that, by the end of 2018, the panettone market will grow by 5%, reaching 400 million shillings, with more than 60 competing brands and per capita consumption in Peru of 1 kilo, the second largest after the year. Italy. 70% of the sale is made in December.

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