No Man's Sky states that at first he tried to include the multiplayer mode


No Man's Sky (2016) was a promising title as soon as it was released. An almost infinite universe has been promised, generated spontaneously by complex procedural algorithms. Questioned directly on the question of whether the game was a multiplayer title, Sean Murray the main face of the company stated:

" Yes (you will be able to meet with somebody else. other players), but the universe is so great, that the chances of meeting another player are minimal ".

From that moment, many suspicions were raised about these statements and about a potential large-scale smoke sale; these were only dispelled on the day of liberation when two players, positioning themselves on the same planet and in the same place, were totally unable to see each other for the mere fact that the statements of Murray was a lie, the game was totally disconnected.

Sean Murray had lied about this and several more details, it is clear, similarly, strange things happened in some parts of the world, where the game boxes they came up with obvious sticker that hid the details of the game, presenting the icon "online", which was superimposed with that of "a player."

The Truth is that Sean Murray and Hello Games was able to overcome the intimidation received by the online community and managed to launch the patch " No Man's Sky: Next ", which fulfills all the" hasty statements "of Mr. Murray. " We had envisioned a very light multiplayer for launch, we fought to the end to add it, but it was very difficult and we knew that only a few people could enjoy it considering the size of the universe. Players were not happy with the updated Atlas Rises while they were looking for a collaborative multiplayer mode like the one we offer today. ############################################################################ 39th Next ".

No Man's Sky can be played on PS4 and PC, your version of XBOX One will arrive at the end of the month and you will be able to download the next update from next week.

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