OCMA suspended Judge Hugo Velásquez for his links with Hinostroza | Policy


Hugo Velásquez Zavaleta, judge at the Fifth Constitutional Court of Lima, was suspended on a preventive basis while he was the subject of an investigation for alleged irregular links with former judges César Hinostroza Pariachi and Walter Ríos Montalvo .

The measure of suspension in the exercise of the function of constitutional judge of Lima was taken by the head of the Office of Judicial Review (OCMA) Ana Maria Aranda Rodriguez.

Velásquez Zavaleta He was investigated for two months, after the publication of an audio document in which he coordinates with the fugitive exjuez Supreme César Hinostroza the order of payment of sums accumulated in his favor.


"During the disciplinary investigation that took place at the headquarters of the OCMA, it would have been established that Velásquez Zavaleta had maintained extracontractual relations with the accused, César Hinostroza Pariachi and the former President of the Superior Court of Callao, Walter Ríos Montalvo ", informed the OCMA.

It further notes that the aforementioned judge would have favored them in the treatment of an amparo action ordering the payment of millionaires to César Hinostroza and other judges of the country, in exchange for which one of his relatives would have been engaged in the Superior Court of Callao.

The above-mentioned investigator "allegedly violated the obligations to render justice with complete independence, impartiality and due process, to maintain the reserve due in cases which, by their nature or by virtue of laws or regulations, require it. so, "said the OCMA.


For all these reasons, the imputation against the foregoing is very serious. Velásquez Zavaleta – he said the press release – his disposition was arranged in the exercise of any position in the judiciary, until the end of the disciplinary investigation.

The OCMA urges magistrates and judicial assistants of the judiciary to observe behavior and ethical values ​​in their actions; in favor of a proper administrative justice service for the general public.

The suspension was immediately executed and will continue until the close of the investigation.

This is the judge who protected García

Hugo Velásquez Zavaleta it achieved notoriety by canceling, by an action in amparo, the essential of the investigation of the Congress Megacommission with the direction of the former president Alan García, for alleged lack of due process .

Velásquez Zavaleta he also canceled the unjust 90-day suspension imposed by the Congress of the Republic on the late Congressman Javier Diez Canseco.

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