Overwatch donates $ 12.7 million to the fight against breast cancer


A few months ago, Blizzard announced that the product of the sale of skin Mercy Pink in his video game Overwatch would be destined to Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) to contribute to its fight against breast cancer . Today we can see the exact number of this social campaign.

The cosmetic appearance of Overwatch's scientist, Mercy, was on sale on May 8 and May 21 for a value of $ 15. The money from these sales, plus the income for the shirt in reference to the campaign in Gear and the charity marathons of the various recognized streamers of the community have left the exorbitant amount of 12.7 million dollars as a gift for the foundation that fights and researches breast cancer worldwide. This is the largest donation made in less than a year by a corporate partner over the 25 years of the BCRF 's history.

Overwatch members thanked the community for the great support of the community. achieve this feat with a great effect on overall health.

Overwatch, the socially cared video game

The title of shots was always shown inclusive and committed to social movements of its creation Members of the section responsible for the video game included in intrigue them with characters of national, racial and sexual diversity. Michael Chu, author of the video game, explained the reason for this feature:

I think we were really inspired by all the diversity of our world. The stories of different world cultures and popular cultures that exist in different places, such as anime and manga, movies and comics; we wanted to be inspired by all these things.

For example, Tracer's character is lesbian while Symmetra is autistic. This reaffirms that there is no distinction or discrimination within the Overwatch battlefields.

The Slogan "The World Needs Heroes" seeks to change the whole community in its daily life. A week before the official start of the game, a Chinese lost his life after trying to recover the bike that, a few minutes earlier, had stolen his friend. After pursuing with his own vehicle, he crashed and died after the accident. Blizzard did not want to go unnoticed on this case and honored him by writing his motto and Wu Hongyu (his name) on the Lijiang Tower card. The hero was remembered by his friends as one of the biggest broadcasters of the video game in Guangzhou, China.

Overwatch has served 2 years in the market and is one of the favorites among the fans. He recently received the 28th character from his list: Hammond, and added the new methods of recommendation

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