Paro in Puno: call to close the congress and eviction of Moisés Mamani | VIDEOS | PICTURES | The society


Puno The 24-hour stop against CorruptionThe closure of the Congress and the dismissal of Congressman Fujimorist Moisés Mamani, are vigorously developing in most provinces of the region. In the city of Puno, the doors close almost completely.

There is no service transport network to the provinces. The main supply centers have been closed. In several points of the city, there was roadblockbut that did not prevent the departure of private units and motorcycle taxis.

In Juliaca, the protest measure is energetic. The city woke up with dense smoke from the burning of tires on the main entrance and exit routes. Pickets were mainly loaded with carriers and merchants.

Paro Puno

Paro Puno

"What's happening in Peru is terrible, that's why we're in the street, against so many things corrupt villain. And it's time for Mamani to be removed from Congress once, "said Juan Carlos Sora, resident of Juliaca.

In Ilave, various guilds blocked the international bridge linking Peru to Bolivia. There is no transport.

The photo is similar to Ayaviri. Dozens of Cusco units are blocked. Stones and mounds of earth were placed on the road. In Yunguyo, Acora and Zepita, they also joined the protest measure with gears and stones on the tracks.

Paro Puno

Paro Puno

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