Patricia Balbuena: Congress presents motion to question minister | Peru | Politics


A group of members of Congress this morning presented a motion of inquiry against the Minister of Culture, Patricia Balbuena, for the cancellation of the illegal hiring of a company related to former Deputy Minister Luis Villacorta Ostolaza.

The document, which bears the signature of the members of the Congress of Apra and Fuerza Popular, was officially presented at 10 am and considers that the Minister Patricia Balbuena You must answer these facts in order to determine your responsibilities before the plenary session.

"It is unlikely that the Minister ( Patricia Balbuena) was not aware of his deputy minister's relationship with Arqueo Andes S.A.C. ", says the motion of the day.

They also indicate that this irregular hiring, whose good professional was canceled at the same time as accepting the resignation of Luis Villacorta Ostolaza ", discovered the millionaire appeal launched by the Ministry of Culture for the Consultations at seemingly overvalued prices, reason for preparations for the 2019 Dakar Rally ".

This motion of inquiry taking into account 25 questions is presented after Patricia Balbuena I went to the Congressional Culture Commission to make sure their management does not admit of acts of corruption.

"We took all measures, not just against the staff involved [separación y salida del ministerio de los involucrados en la licitación]not only to declare the nullity and deal with the public treasury, but also to identify the conditions that could favor the corruption ecosystems in the ministry, "he told members of Congress.

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