Patricia Balbuena on interpellation: "I will go as many times as I will be quoted and I will submit to what Congress will decide" | Politics


The Minister of Culture, Patricia Balbuena, said Thursday that he would attend "at all times" to be summoned to Parliament and that he would respect what this state power decides, after knowing that a group of members of Congress had submitted a motion to challenge him.

"I will go as many times as I will and I will submit to the decision of the Congress.This is part of the democratic exercise.In this government, we absolutely respect democracy, institutions and democracy. 39, balance of powers, "said Balbuena during a dialogue with El Comercio. .

A total of 25 questions contains the motion of interpellation, promoted by the party Aprista, which was presented this Thursday against the Minister of Culture.

APRA promoted this initiative after learning that the company founded and headed by Luis Villacorta Ostolaza, Deputy Minister of Heritage and Cultural Industries and resigned, had been retained by the Ministry of Culture for a service estimated at a little over 350,000 suns Eventually, the call for tenders was canceled.

"I guess I have to give the answers, but my responsibility is expressed to prevent that from happening and the contracts have been canceled." Tomorrow, the OCI will make recommendations and launch administrative processes. [investigando]. We will continue to do what is necessary, "said Balbuena.

The Minister of Culture has stated that she will wait until the motion for an inquiry is approved to determine when to attend the plenary session to make their denial of responsibility. Balbuena appeared Tuesday before the Committee on Culture to answer the case.

"Surely [no fue suficiente la presentación en la comisión]. I think it also helps the public to look at other issues, not those that occur internally in other countries. It is always good to have another person at the center of the story, but I have to assume. I have to anwser. I did not run anything, "he concluded.

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