Patricia Elliot Appointed Deputy Minister of Electricity | Economy


The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) he named Patricia Isabel Elliot BlasDeputy Minister of Electricity, Department of Energy and Mines, considered a trustworthy position.

Thus, by Supreme Resolution No. 013-2018-EM, the appointment of Deputy Minister of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mines was suspended.

Patricia Elliot has more than 20 years of professional experience, mainly in the public sector. She worked as a consultant to the MEM Advisors Office and technical secretary of the Social Promotion Fund (FAS). In addition, he continued the activities of the Directorate General of Rural Electrification (DGER).

Previously, she was Executive Director of the National Fund for State Business (FONAFE), holding company comprising 35 public companies, including 16 in the electricity sector (11 distributors and 5 producers).

During his administration in FONAFE, Elliot promoted corporate networks for distribution and production companiesthose that have helped strengthen management in regulatory, business, strategic planning, corporate purchasing, among others. Previously, he ran public companies such as Sedapal and Petroperú.

The Deputy Minister of Electricity holds a Masters in Business Administration from ESAN and a BA in Economics from UNALM. He studied the PAD Senior Management Program at the University of Piura, including the Leadership and Innovation Studies at the IESE of New York, as part of the first Director Training Program. developed in the PAD of the University of Piura in collaboration with the Bank. World

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