Peruvian national team: The FPF delivered the first pitches of the new national team center


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On Tuesday, the Peruvian Football Federation delivered the symbolic speech of the first two courts of the New National Selection Center located in Chosica, with the presence of a hundred employees of the FPF.

Edwin Oviedo, president of the Peruvian Football Federation, the technical director of the Peruvian football team, Ricardo Gareca, sports director of the FPF, Juan Carlos Oblitas and the secretary general of the FPF, Juan Matute.

The new national team center will have 5 football fields meeting the highest quality standards FIFA, one of them will be for a specialized use in the training of archers. In addition, the spaces required for the concentrations of the Peruvian National Team are under construction.

It must be remembered that Ricardo Gareca hopes to use the facilities for the training of the Peruvian national team against Copa America 2019. "We are expecting to prepare Copa America here."

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