PlayStation offers video games for Fiestas Patrias


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The commercial season of Fiestas Patrias is one of the most important of the year and before PlayStation takes advantage of it to launch exclusive promotions in video games and consoles for those who are interested.

The PlayStation "Favorites" campaign allows you to bid on different titles. Thus, reductions of up to 30% are appreciated, with which there will be games of 69 soles.
These discounts will be available until August 23 or until the stock runs out.

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In this way, titles like PES18, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us, Overwatch and The Last Guardian, among others, can to be acquired at a comfortable price.

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It is important to note that the consoles will always have their original price. However, these can be purchased with additional accessories such as two sets, two controls or a headset, which depends on the store where they are purchased.

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