Pokémon Go gives the first look at the next generation | video games | applications | trends


To celebrate its second anniversary, Pokémon Go decided to highlight a visual image, not only randomly chosen but bringing together different creatures from different generations who met. in the game .

With this look, the game offers the first delivery made appear the fourth generation "starter", thus anticipating the arrival of Pokemon on the game. And this will undoubtedly make the popular game of much more diverse application

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In the picture you can see the type of plant Turtwig sharing with Totodile and Torchic, the type of fire Chimchar on one of the poles of the mobile home and the type of water Piplup taking a nap next to Absol .

 Pokémon Score

For another part, it is worth mentioning that, to celebrate the first anniversary of the game for mobiles, Niantic published a picture similar, although on this occasion he anticipated the arrival of the raids and the second

Although this is only speculation, the exact date on which the fourth generation Pokemon could start to appear, the total of 107 is unknown. ] new creatures.

Despite the time that has elapsed since the creation of the game many continue to collect creatures by walks or their daily transports.

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