Pokémon GO: learn to trade Pokémon with your friends [GUÍA] | Video games | Niantic | Video games


The exchange of creatures in Pokémon GO drew the attention of all players. Keep in mind that Niantic was encouraged to launch this option after user complaints since 2016.

Do you already know how to make the Pokémon transaction? Fortunately, the same channel of YouTube of Pokémon GO has released the steps you must follow to exchange Pokémon without problems.

The exchange of Pokémon is only possible between friends, so you must add the coach you wish to trade on your friendship list .

To do this, you need the coach identification number and add it to your friends list. The latter must accept the request.

Then, you go to the profile of the friend in question, click on his name and you will read from the options the button Exchange.

Now you just have to select the Pokémon you want to exchange, and wait for your friend to give you yours. Everything ends up being ready when the transaction is finally concluded after a period of waiting.

The exchanges of Pokémon have certain restrictions: you must be within 10 meters of the coach for the exchange and you can only change one Pokémon every 24 hours. Each exchange has a stellar powder value that can change depending on the rarity of the Pokemon . [ad_2]
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