Pokémon GO: These are the missions you must accomplish to have Celebi | Niantic | trends


At the Pokémon GO Fest held in the city of Chicago, USA, players in this Augmented Reality video game were able to capture the legendary pokemon Celebi & # 39 ;; However, they had to complete some missions to unlock it.

For now, it's unclear if these missions will be the same for the rest of the Pokémon GO users, since 'Celebi' was not officially published, but only for the players who attended this event that Niantic staged in the United States

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The Missions to Capture – Celebi – are divided into 4 groups and, as you can see in the picture that was shared in a Facebook group on Pokémon GO, the difficulty of completing them increases, so the hours of pleasure are guaranteed.

The first group of quests is to turn 3 poképaradas to get a candy with your companion pokemon and capture 15 creatures, not interested in the type. Once you have completed them, you will earn 3 incense, 50 pokéballs and 1000 powder of stars

The second group of missions is a little more complicated, because you will have to catch 10 pokémon fire, ice, plant, steel, rock and water. If you get 60 pokemon, you will earn 20 ultraballs, 2000 powder stars and 3 super incubators

The third group of quests consists of catching 7 Uncut, hatching 3 pokemon eggs and turn three pokeparadas. If you complete all this, Celebi will appear, you will receive 10 golden raspberry berries and 3000 stellar powders.

In addition, there is a mission to catch 10 Minum and 10 Plusle. If you succeed, you will earn 50 Celebi sweets, 10 pineapple berries and 4000 stellar powders

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