Police save seven-year-old girl abducted by 24-year-old cousin [VIDEO]


November 28, 2018 10h30

The 7-year-old girl abducted by her 24-year-old cousin was rescued by police officers from Huánuco, in the area of Tingo María known under the name of Cora Cora.

Six days ago, the kid was kidnapped by Omer Espinoza Spirit, 17 years older. The subject gave the girl a sleeping pill and then took her out of her house Tingo María.

With the help of the ronderos of the region, the national police managed to find the subject around 27h, November 27. Among his belongings were a grocery store and a kitchen knife.

"A neighbor warned that he had seen her leave the site Cora Cora. At that moment, the farmer approaching the site and catching the boy by the neck, the girl also left the field, "said the lieutenant-governor of the region. Tingo María.

It is to highlight that Omer Espinoza Spirit He left a message at home Tingo Maríawhere he asked the girl's family to let him be happy with her.

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