President of the Judiciary affirms that the sentence of Edwin Donayre must be executed | Politics


The president of the judiciary, Víctor Prado Saldarriaga, insisted Wednesday to ask the Congress of the Republic to lift the parliamentary immunity of the congressman. Edwin Donayre (APP) so that the sentence handed down by the judiciary can be enforced.

"To this person [Donayre] he was tried and convicted by the 1940 Code of Criminal Procedure, which states that a sentence must be pronounced immediately, "said the supreme judge when leaving Congress.

In the Legislature, it has not been satisfied with the duty to waive immunity granted to the legislature of Alliance for Progress, as it is alleged that it There is no definitive sentence yet, as the new Code of Criminal Procedure claims.

Faced with this position, Prado Saldarriaga stated that "even if the new procedural code of 2004 was applied, it was established that once the sentence was pronounced, it should be executed, unless the judge decides to do so. even to suspend it until it is resolved in the second instance. "

Asked what the judiciary would do if Congress insisted that Donayre's immunity be waived, Prado Saldarriaga replied: "I can not anticipate situations that could happen, just the judiciary is doing its job. work by applying the rules ".

"The judiciary insists on the lifting of parliamentary immunity [de Donayre] because that's what the law says, "he repeated.

Víctor Prado went to Congress this morning to support his institutional budget.

The second criminal chamber in liquidation of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima sentenced Edwin Donayre, retired general of the army, to five years and six months of imprisonment for the crime of embezzlement. This was an illegal appropriation of the fuel allocated to the first brigade of the Special Armed Forces of the Army and the Southern Military Region in 2006.

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