Prevent anemia


Chronic malnutrition among children is a social problem throughout the country, mainly in rural areas where it affects 25.3% of the child population, affecting their physical, cognitive and emotional development. The prevalence of anemia is mainly due to the lack of nutritional education in families, economic practices and iron-rich foods that promote good nutrition, as well as the prevention or eradication of this. disease.

Specialists of the IDI (Initiative against Child Malnutrition) recommend the consumption of foods rich in iron and vitamin B12. These nutrients can be found in a wide variety of foods available to everyone and that will help stimulate the production of red blood cells:

* Meat: Foods such as offal (blood, liver and blood) and fish are rich in iron. And beef is rich in vitamin B12.

* Beans: legumes such as lentils and beans, among others, are rich in non-heme iron (of vegetable origin and are absorbed between 3% and 8%). foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemon or orange.

– They may include these foods, either to prevent or treat anemia, in the daily diet as follows:

* Breakfasts: Juice of citrus fruits, extracts, bread with blood or liver, etc.

* Lunches: Any stew accompanied by a lemon salad, steamed fish, sweat, vegetable omelette and soups including blood or chicken liver.




2 big apples

Lime juice

3 cups of strawberries

* Preparation

Just peel the apples and place them in the blender with the rest of the ingredients. This is the simplest recipe, but for iron, all these foods are among the most effective for fighting anemia.



2 big carrots

Sesame seeds

1/2 cucumber



1 / green pepper

1 cup of spinach

3 medium tomatoes

* Preparation

You must peel and cut all the ingredients and place them in the blender. When you get a mixture without pieces, it will be ready. This cold soup is ideal to take to the office while fighting anemia.



Basil leaves

1/4 cooked cauliflower

1 cucumber, peeled and cut

2 cups of cherry tomatoes

* Preparation

Mix all the food in the blender. In this case, you can choose to take it as a cold soup, in the manner of a gazpacho, or to heat it up and serve it as input.



2 cups blueberries

2 cups of diced kiwi

Mint leaves

1 cup of cut strawberries

* Preparation

Mix the ingredients in the blender and serve with ice cream. It is a perfect juice to start the day or to keep you full of energy in the middle of the morning or the afternoon.

5- Sesame Sandwich


Sesame bread

Fresh or calcium-fortified cheese

Cooked ham

* Preparation

A sandwich as usual, but with sesame bread. Sesame helps you give the body the iron it needs, and the calcium in the cheese fixes it so that it does not get lost. Just place one slice, the stuffing ingredients and the other on top. Ready!

6- Lentils passed in the pan


Lentils already cooked

Fresh cheese to melt

* Preparation

This recipe is perfect when we lent the leftovers from the day before. Just warm them up by throwing them in the pan. And next to them, a piece of fresh cheese. Wait for the mixture to soften and you have already prepared the ideal dish for anemia.

7- spinach omelette


2 dice of spinach

2 eggs

* Preparation

Beat the eggs and thaw the spinach with the help of the microwave. Put them in the bowl in which you have prepared the eggs and put the fire in the pan with a drop of olive oil.

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