Prevent irritable bowel


Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS), is a chronic condition characterized by the existence of abdominal pain and / or changes in intestinal rhythm, which may be accompanied by an inflammatory bowel syndrome. a feeling of abdominal distension.

The appropriate digestive symptoms are pain, abdominal distension and altered intestinal rhythm.

Abdominal pain is usually diffuse or localized in the lower abdomen, colic, oppressive or throbbing, mild or moderate intensity, lasting less than two hours, which is relieved after defecation and generally respects sleep . The occurrence or presence of abdominal pain is usually associated with a desire to defecate or changes in bowel frequency or consistency, the patient usually associating his onset with the ingestion of a bowel syndrome. food.

Alterations in the intestinal rhythm may be manifested with a predominance of constipation or diarrhea, or diarrhea-constipation. Abdominal distention and meteorism (excess gas) develop gradually during the day. Early satiety is also common after ingestion, nausea, vomiting, and burning in the chest (stomach burns). You may also feel an incomplete evacuation sensation and the presence of mucus in the stool.


The most normal causes of the onset of this problem are the existence of alterations in motility and / or digestive sensitivity, influenced by psychological factors. In addition, there are other different modifications that may influence this disease, such as gastroenteritis, food intolerances, hormonal changes and genetic factors.


If you suffer from this disease, you will be interested in knowing the general guidelines that you can follow in your diet and that I will tell you in this article. Do you want to know what they are?

– Moderate the consumption of insoluble fiber, mainly whole foods, so that they do not further contribute to the imbalances of intestinal transit.

– Increases the consumption of soluble fiber (in the form of gums, pectins and mucilage) in your diet. You can introduce quince or apple candy into your diet, or take daily dietary supplements containing this type of fiber.

– Avoid high-fat foods, citrus fruits (especially orange) and spinach to lessen and neutralize the laxative effect produced by bile salts (bile) in the colon.

– Reduces the consumption of fructose (a simple type of sugar that we find, especially in fruits). Choose fruits that are lower in sugar and higher in pectin, like apples to skin. It is not appropriate to take fruit juices or nectars.

– Completely eliminates the consumption of sorbitol (a sweetener), food or spices, soft drinks, coffee and tea.

– Drink two liters of water a day. It is very important to ensure hydration in case of decomposition or diarrhea. Drink especially water or soft infusions such as lime and Maria Luisa (which have no laxative effect). In addition, a sufficient supply of liquids will also help fight constipation.

– Even if you follow all the instructions mentioned, do not forget to control your stress. To do this, in addition to exercising, you can find two great natural allies, such as passionflower and valerian.

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