Realm Royale announces weekly tournaments with $ 100,000 in prizes


A few weeks after its release, Realm Royale is already one of the favorite games of survival fans. The Battle Royale managed to sneak between the 5 most played titles of Steam and among the 10 most-watched video games in Twitch. And to consolidate in the competitive arena, weekly tournaments with $ 100 thousand reward were announced.

Hand in hand with youtuber Daniel & # 39; KEEMSTAR & # 39; Keem will arrive Saturday 100k Royal Kingdom competitions in the public lobbies that will gather the duets of Saturday July 21 . The rules are simple: you can not choose 2 characters of the same class, your merit position is equivalent to your points in favor and your deaths count as negative points. After 10 rounds, the one with the highest score will be the winner of the day.

KEEMSTAR already has experience in the development of public tournaments. He is responsible for Friday Fortnite competitions that distribute $ 20 thousand per week. However, it's Epic Games that has limited the prizes at this tournament, a case in which Hi-Rez, the Realm Royale developer, did not want to interfere.

Beside this competition, the Electronic Sports League (ESL) also announced the interest of creating the first regional qualifiers of the game and has already opened registrations for Europe , North America and also South America. You can register here with your duo to participate.

An important aspect of the Battle Royale not to be considered a fad is its participation in professional competitions. These steps taken by Realm Royale are significant in the face of the delay of the competitive Fortnite season, which despite the announcement of millionaire awards, has not left any specific dates for its events.

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