Regional dengue commission monitors in Nasca


The Dengue Control Commission of the Ica Regional Health Directorate met with the director of the Nasca Hospital, Dr. Juan Cruzado Tineo. The MINSA Commissioner, biologist Miguel Fernández Flores, from the Department of Health's Strategic Response Directorate, participated in the working day to strengthen dengue control strategies.

Works Thus, the epidemiology team of Nasca 402 Health Execution Unit and the head of the CPC Administration, Luzmila Calle, analyzed the actions against the mosquito Aedes aegypti, transmitter of diseases of dengue, zika and chikungunya. As a result, the general controls to check all the houses with the support of the work brigades and the consent of the heads of household were strengthened.

This is why the different local hospital brigades responsible for monitoring Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes have settled in the populated areas of Bethlehem, in the young city of José Carlos Mariátegui, in the streets Amaprovi, Juan Matta, Circunvalación, Arica, etc. . routes, in order to capture and eliminate larvae, pupae and eventually mosquitoes that carry diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya.

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