Reimond Manco spoke about Alianza Lima, the Peruvian National Team and Sport Boys


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Although not being an indisputable holder in Unión Comercio, Reimond Manco He offered one of the best years of his career with good numbers: 4 goals and 7 assists in the 2018 decentralized tournament.

Now, the 28-year-old football player said he would not pursue Union Trade and one of the most interested clubs is in Manco It's Sport Boys. "I have not defined anything, I have some concrete options but there is nothing specific," he told Radio Ovación.

Questioned concretely by "La Misilera", Reimond Manco He added: "Callao is my region, I spent part of my life there, my mother is" chalaca ", it's very motivating to play there, there have been some conversations but nothing is closed, I have a good friendship with Johan Vásquez but a lot of factors have to be given to be able to reach The boys"

Although it is not an option today, Reimond Manco he never forgets the club of his loves: Alianza Lima. "I will always be seduced by Alianza, but unfortunately, when things only work in one direction, they do not work, no one called me," he said.

Hired by Nolberto Solano, technical assistant of the Peruvian national team, the Peruvian midfielder showed his enthusiasm. "The selection will always stay in my plans, but playing in the province goes against the media theme.Whatever you do, if you do it right, you'll always be in the orbit of the 39 national team, "he said.


Reimond Manco said his future should be defined before the parties.

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