River vs. Boca: Donofrio explodes against Angelici: "Come play, no one will kill you, ask for points is a dunce" | Final of the Copa Libertadores 2018 | Libertadores Cup


Boca vs River | Knowing that he asked the points to win the final of the Copa Libertadores 2018 and that it will be played outside of Argentina, Rodolfo Donofrio, president of the club "millionaire," & quot; exploded & # 39; against his Boca couple, Daniel Angeliciand invited him to define the champion at the Monumental stadium of Núñez, while Conmebol has already confirmed that the duel will be in another country.

"The truth at this point, I can not believe that Daniel (Angelici) did not have respect towards the President of the Conmebol (Alejandro Domínguez), towards me and towards River when we signed a paper that was to play at 24 hours ", the owner of River Plate to the media.

Dr. Onofrio added, "I never thought that this Saturday night they are writing to ask for match points.It has missed his word.Blowing River is an invention.It is clear that" they do not want to play. "

"It's silly to want to gain points from the opponent, it's a failure of the security system." It's absurd to blame River for something that has nothing to do with it. let's invent nothing else, let's go on the field to play.It's a game, it's not life or death.Abidona needs it, "closed Donofrio River Plate.

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