Samahara Lobatón reacted furiously against the professor at his university


The young businesswoman, Samahara Lobatón he is having a very complicated time for the final exam week at his university. She does not hesitate to share several photographs and videos in which she reveals her role as a student.

However, a story posted on Instagram surprised thousands of his followers when he saw Melissa Klug's daughter, very uncomfortably for a teacher class. "I kill my teacher, I got up early to tell the whole class how to print"he is read next to an image of his face.

Apparently he did not like at all the attitude of the teacher during the lessons. Do you think his statement on social networks was correct?



As we remember, Samahara Lobatón did not imagine having so many criticisms on social networks after having published a photo in which he sees himself with a very different face.

Apparently, the young businesswoman would have gone back to the operating room to undergo another operation on the nose and her fans expressed their surprise by seeing that all her photos on Instagram had been deleted.


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