San Marcos University: a thousand young people will be exempt from payment to pass the admission examination | Peru


The National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) announced that a thousand candidates with good academic performance and limited financial means will be exempt from payment to pass the next admission exam, to be held on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March 2019.

To gain access to this advantage, young people must be in a state of "extreme poverty" and for the exemption, they will only have to submit their National Identity Document (NID), a simple application and a bill of water or light. The social workers of the university will analyze the request.

The first and second posts of public educational institutions may also be exempt from payment; the children of San Marcos teachers and administrative staff; military service personnel housed and those in the Comprehensive Reparation Plan (PIR).

For this admission process, UNMSM has authorized a total of 4,768 vacancies, which will be distributed among the 66 vocational schools. Candidates from the academic fields of Health Sciences, Basic Sciences and Economics and Management will take the test on Saturday, March 9th, while the fields of engineering, humanities, and legal and social sciences will do the same on Sunday. March 10

The National University of San Marcos said that the National Register of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) will be responsible, once again, for biometric identification throughout the university campus. In addition, security systems with facial identification will be strengthened.

In addition, candidates can use a special code located in the prospect to perform virtual simulations with the structure of the Deco test (cognitive skills).

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