SBS: "The entry of a new AFP participant in December is possible" | Economy


In December, a new auction for newcomers in the administration of pension funds will begin and in this race, a new competitor could appear.

This was expressed by the chief of the Superintendency of Banks and Insurance and AFP (SBS), Heysen Relief in the CADE 2018.

"The entry of a new AFP participant is possible" , mentioned, after stating that this could only be confirmed on December 13 on the same day of the auction.

Purchase of AFP

Asked about the possible interest of AFP Habitat for ProFuturo, which could lead the market to focus more, Socorro said the SBS fosters competition.

In addition, the head of the SBS mentioned that on the subject of market concentration that sees it directly in Indecopi.

Withdrawal of funds

In the same way, he talked about the withdrawals made by some members on their funds.

"The main purpose of the funds is the retirement pension, and when it is withdrawn, it is used as unemployment insurance and this is not the purpose"He expressed

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