Season 5 of Fortnite has arrived and these are its novelties


After days of suspense, Epic Games presented the fifth season of Fortnite with a series of novelties that surprised more than one.

Since the launch of the rocket that cracked the sky of the Battle Island, various map details have disappeared and others have been added. Confirming many theories, Fortnite: The Shock of the Worlds brings us to a retro theme in the middle of the desert with cosmetics reminiscent of the Wild West and medieval cultures.


The map has changed. The green biome of the lower right of the island has changed to give birth to desert areas and new cities such as Oasis ostentatious and the Sibarita Society. The arid regions show us other updates from Fortnite: now we have portals that will take us to a completely different place.


Another of the main novelties of the video game is the inclusion of the off-road cart, vehicle that will serve to carry all your squadron on the island. Your blanket will serve as a trampoline and you can even generate skids


If you are a collector of skins, you can get the new Battle Pass for 10 dollars or 950 turkeys. The reward system brings aspects of Vikings and Medieval, as well as new backpacks, picks and parachutes. However, if you do not have the payment card, you can also earn items through the free pass and its new weekly mission system.


There are interesting changes in weapons that will bounce back. Hunting rifles will now show the number of hits that hit the enemy. As you know, this subject was very much in demand because there were a lot of complaints about shots fired directly against an enemy, he received a very small damage. In addition, the double shotguns were nerfeadas (reduced in power) since the time between shooting and shooting was increased.


Finally, Fortnite's story mode also received saves to the world received a set of sparks, a new campaign and new heroes of the old West. A special offer has been announced for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC to buy this game mode from July 17.

The patch is already online on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and iPhone. Read the full notes here.

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