Second Division: José Soto attacked the police, was denounced and repeated his apologies | VIDEO | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 8 | The sports


The pressure to fight for the title of the Second division beat José Soto, coach of Carlos A. Mannucci who, having played the first final, before University César Vallejo , attacked a police non-commissioned officer, the situation for which he was denounced and before going to the quote to make his demonstration decided to apologize.

"I apologize to the policeman for the reaction I've had.I'm supposed to do a demonstration, so I'll go in. It's an unintentional mistake caused by the gambling fever," he said. said the coach. Carlos A. Mannucci.

Carlos A Mannucci tied 1-1 with the University César Vallejo in the first final of the second division. About the end of the match José Soto he was unhappy with the referees and vented all his frustration against a police officer, without knowing the consequences of this aggressive behavior. The return duel will be held Sunday (15h) at the municipal stadium of Casa Grande.

José Soto regrets after being denounced and prosecuted

José Soto regrets after being denounced and prosecuted

"I had the impression that they had disrespected me, but I do not justify my reaction, I know it should not be like that, I'm not a person." violent person and I've never had a problem like this. " I should have, "added the coach of the team 'Carlist & # 39;

"Beyond the title, the promotion, beyond the final, of being a classic rival here in town, one is proud and wants to win," he concluded. José Soto, which challenges Sunday the rise of power Second division before Cesar Vallejo, team led by José Del Solar.

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