Sendero Luminoso: judges agree with Movadef and absolve the crime of apology | Politics


At around 11:00 yesterday, outside the National Criminal Chamber of Av. Tacna, a group of supporters of the genocidal organization Shining Path he asked, with the megaphones in his hand, absolution for his comrades.

Inside, the accused Alfredo Crespo, one of the leaders of the party Movadef , senderist organization, listened to how the judges of the Collegial E of the National Criminal Chamber of the Judiciary have absolved him of all charges of terrorism offense.

In September 2010, Movadef published and distributed illegally the Amnesty General pamphlet, which it describes as a "Marxist, Leninist and Maoist newspaper". The document advocated the figure of the genocide Abimael Guzmán and was described as "the greatest intellectual, philosopher and scientist Marxist, Leninist, Maoist of our time". In addition, a special photo commemorating the Sender Chief was sent.

The prosecutor's office, represented by Prosecutor Jesús Prado León, opened an investigation and asked 12 years in prison for Movadef leaders Alfredo Crespo, Oswaldo Esquivel Alberto Mego and Manuel Fajardo (deceased), authors of prosenderista propaganda.

The trial began in December 2017 and, despite all the evidence, ended yesterday with an acquittal. Collegiate E, composed of judges Lorenzo Ilave, Enma Benavides and Teófilo Salvador, decided to preserve the defendants.


"There is evidence that there is praise and exaltation in Abimael Guzmán.The act was disseminated via a means of communication.The ones who commissioned the publication are those who have been charged by the Office of the Prosecutor, "wrote Ilave, Benavides and Salvador.

However, when the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Counter-Terrorist Prosecutor's Office waited for the conviction, College E declared: "The act did not undermine the tranquility public. "

According to Pedro Yaranga, terrorism expert, the judges are waiting for a terrorist attack to punish the Luminoso Path's political wing.

"By not having specialized rooms on terrorism issues, magistrates interpret in their own way and with this, they open the doors to Movadef so that they can continue to defend their interests," Yaranga said.

Prosecutor Prado, for his part, was concerned about such a reckless allegation of the College. That's why he appealed yesterday the court decision that will be considered by the Supreme Court of Magistracy.


Yesterday, in social networks managed by Movadef, its subscribers euphorically celebrated the absolution of one of its leaders.

General José Baella, chief of the anti-terrorism directorate of the police (Dircote), regretted that this decision represents a political triumph for Movadef.

"After this decision, the argument of Movadef will be that the state can not criminalize their acts," Baella concluded.


Since June, the prosecutor's office in charge of the fight against terrorism had warned against the lack of impartiality of judges of college E of the national criminal chamber.
This collegiate church does not engage in the fight against terrorism. It makes us angry. This Chamber had issued rulings favoring the accused, which is why we challenged them. However, the Supreme Court did not withdraw them because of an esprit de corps that still exists in the judiciary.
Collegiate E understood everything from the inside out. I still do not understand what is the defense of terrorism. But I tell Alfredo Crespo and company not to sing the victory. This acquittal at first instance will go to the Supreme Court and I am sure the situation will be reversed.
The state has given devastating blows to Shining Path and Movadef. In the Tarata case, we arrested you, you were not allowed to register as a political party. We continue with our unalterable will.


* In December 2017, Manuel Fajardo, who died today, revealed in a disqualification document that Judge Lorenzo Ilave was a former "political enemy".

* Ilave was a supporter of Patria Roja, said Fajardo in writing. "An ideological problem confronts us years later," he said.

* The prosecutor's office suspects that the political involvement of the judge influences his decisions.

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