Sexual violence: One in three women suffered violence from partner, study shows


In the countries of the Americas, one in three women has undergone some form of the violence of your partner, warned Thursday the experts of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), who denounced that a change requires the continuity of public policies.

According to the study, the prevalence of physical and / or sexual violence varies from one country to another. In some countries, this violence affects 14% of women and sometimes 60% of the female population. as in Bolivia.

For Alessandra Guedes, Regional Advisor on Family Violence at PAHO, this is an extremely widespread phenomenon that affects a large number of women, but no support is yet available to deal with the problem. extent of the problem.

"Although we already know that the problem has an incredible scale and that there are interventions that we can implement to prevent it, we still have no policies or policies that are not funded. to make concrete changes, "explained Guedes. AFP.

Research from national surveys in 24 countries shows that some types of violence have decreased over the last 20 years in Canada, Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua and Mexico. Peru. However, the organization warned that "some variations in data from these countries were very small and some indicators had not changed linearly".

The organization has warned that violence against women has many health consequences, including death, whether due to murder, suicide or illness associated with it. infection or maternal mortality.


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