Sociedades Medicas join forces to improve the support of adolescents with cancer in Spain


The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the Spanish Society of Hematology and Pediatric Oncology (SEHOP), the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy (SEHH) and the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology (SEOR) consider that adolescent patients with cancer some particular characteristics that require a specific multidisciplinary approach within the organization of health care proposed by the Ministry of Health and Autonomous Communities. In Spain, more than 400 new cancers are diagnosed each year among adolescents.

At the international level, a child is defined as any human being under the age of 18 (Article 1, Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989). According to the 2015 Department of Health's "Child and Adolescent Care Units" report, the four companies consider adolescence to be 14 to 15 years to 18 years.

Cancer in adolescence shows marked differences from other periods of life. The types of cancer most common at this age differ from those seen in children or adults, and their characteristics and prognosis are often also different. On the other hand, adolescence is a moment of profound change at the physical, psychological and social levels of the individual; these changes need to be taken into account in order to provide adequate psychosocial support as well as the necessary health care, which is particularly important at this stage of life.

For all these reasons, we feel that it is necessary to sensitize the society and homogenize the care provided to these patients in order to improve the quality of care, to ensure the equity, strengthen research and training of professionals.

In order to contribute to the achievement of these objectives, a working group of adolescents with cancer, composed of the members of the four scientific societies signatories of this document, will propose common actions such as the development of care networks, units oncology, multidisciplinary committees and so on. clinical guidelines, transition protocols to facilitate the transition from adolescent to adult services, training programs and specific lines of inquiry, as well as the comprehensive registry of all adolescent cancer cases, which will be aligned on the health organization proposed by the Ministry of Health and Autonomous Communities in 2018.

About SEOM

The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) is a national nonprofit scientific society, made up of more than 2,500 professionals in the field of oncology, with the aim of improving prevention, prevention and control. diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. of cancer with a multidisciplinary approach. To this end, it encourages education, training and research, dissemination and information for its partners, patients and society in general.

SEOM is the benchmark for opinion on oncology in Spain and the guarantor of the defense and promotion of quality, equity and access to oncology care. The values ​​that define it are: scientific rigor, professional excellence, innovation, integrity, commitment, independence, collaboration and transparency.
To learn more about the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, you can visit its official website or follow us on our Twitter channel @_SEOM.


The Spanish Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (SEHOP) is a national non-profit scientific society, made up of 308 professionals, which brings together pediatric oncologists and hematologists, pediatric surgeons and Spanish oncologists of radiotherapy engaged in the study and treatment. of childhood cancer. The results obtained in the treatment of infant oncology are the result of the development of all integrated health teams at the Spanish Society of Pediatric Oncology and the cooperation between different units of pediatric oncology, national and international Scientific research is essential to achieving progress in the treatment of cancer. One of the main objectives of the SEHOP Foundation is to develop and strengthen scientific, clinical and basic research in this discipline, with the result that the quality of care is improved. Similarly, the Foundation continues to consolidate the development of the National Childhood Tumor Registry, which is the only cancer database with national coverage that provides epidemiological data on cancer in Canada. l & # 39; child.

From a more human point of view, the SEHOP Foundation aims to contribute to the social support of children with cancer and their families through the development of specific programs. Similarly, it is proposed the school integration of the child and the professional integration of survivors. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of the patient and their loved ones and to ensure the survival of children surviving cancer. Finally, another goal of the Foundation is to provide the general population with all the information needed to prevent cancer in childhood.
For more information, you can visit his official website

About SEHH

The SEHH is a scientific society whose objective is the promotion, development and dissemination of the integrity and content of the hematology and hemotherapy specialty in its medical, scientific, organizational, health and medical aspects. well-being, teaching and research. Hematology as a specialty covers all aspects related to the physiology of blood and hematopoietic organs, the diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant blood diseases, the study of the hemostasis and coagulation system, and all aspects related to health. transfusion medicine, including transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors. The professional function of the hematologist covers all aspects of the specialty.

SEHH, with 59 years of existence, is today an organization with significant scientific impact. Among the more than 2,600 professionals who make it up, many are internationally recognized personalities and contribute to making hematology one of the most prestigious parts of Spanish medicine in the world. 39; abroad. The Society believes that for optimal patient care, it is essential to have access to advances in medicine, to encourage research, and to have well-trained and highly qualified specialists in the treatment of hematological diseases.

About SEOR

The Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology (SEOR) is a not-for-profit, non-profit legal society that brings together more than 1,000 specialists from Spain and abroad (including doctors in training) whose work focuses on the treatment cancer and other non-neoplastic diseases, by the use of ionizing radiation exclusively or in combination with other therapeutic modalities (surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biopharmaceuticals).

Our company is a reference of Spanish oncology, which actively collaborates with other oncology societies to ensure the multidisciplinary nature of oncological processes, the promotion of quality, fairness and efficiency. access to oncology care.
Its specialists practice in the areas of epidemiology, prevention, pathogenesis, clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of neoplasms, including treatments based on ionizing radiation and associated therapies.

Currently, it is structured into a board of directors and specialized working groups in different tumor sites (working group of urological tumors, lung and breast, among others) or specific techniques such as brachytherapy, as well as than creating a school. Spanish training in radiation oncology-EEOR in the specialty, or attention to continuing education through workshops and specific courses for specialists.

The research area is developed specifically by the working groups that participate in the different research protocols and in close collaboration with other national groups. The SEOR awards training grants, expresses the latest advances through its national congress and has concluded specific collaboration agreements with leading national and European oncological societies and associations.
For more information, you can visit his official website

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