Tell me what kind of dandruff you have and we'll tell you how to eliminate it


CITY OF MEXICO.- The types of dandruff exist, although we can think that there is only one, it's not like that. It's important Know the types of dandruff to eliminate correctly.

According to a study published by the National Institute of Health, dandruff goes beyond an aesthetic problem. It is actually a health problem that, if not treated in time, could be complicated. The types of film are divided. in two: dry and seborrheic.

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Of course, it is important that you consult a dermatologist if you do not notice any improvement. remedies that can help you eliminate itbut it all depends on the type of dandruff you have.

Dry film

It is produced by the cellular renewal of the scalp, which is a natural process, but it can also act of a fungus, so it can intensify and be more complicated to eliminate.

It is characterized by the presence of small fine white scales that are detached from the scalp, more often when brushing, leaving hair dull and dry.

To eliminate this type of film, it is recommended:

  • Apple vinegar: Regulates the pH of the scalp and cleanses the pores by eliminating the fungus. It must be applied directly by mixing it with water. Leave on for 10 minutes then rinse.
  • Olive oil: You must be extra virgin to help us fight the dryness of the scalp. It is applied directly, without mixing it with anything and the affected area is massaged for 10 minutes.
  • Coconut oil: it is a natural antifungal, which also hydrates the scalp. You must apply it in small amounts to prevent the hair from becoming greasy.

After applying these remedies to eliminate dandruff, it is important to brush your hair regularly to eliminate waste. Apply these remedies at least twice a week.

Seborrheic films

This is a type of dermatitis on the scalp that is mainly due to the increase in fat. Thick white or yellow scales appear on the scalp. It could also appear because of stress.

To eliminate it, it is recommended to use:

  • Aloe Vera: It's one of the most emotional remedies for skin problems. It contains natural astringents and reduces inflammation of the skin. It is able to regenerate the scalp and eliminate crusts caused by seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Honey: It is an excellent remedy that acts directly on the capillary level and reduces the discomfort caused by this type of film. It is recommended to apply it directly, to let it act for 15 minutes and to rinse it.

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