That's the war: Nicola Porcella criticizes the performances of Angie Arizaga, Melissa Loza and Paloma Fiuza | Video | EEG | Rafael Cardozo | America TV | Shows


Angie Arizaga, Melissa Loza and Colombe Fiuza They expressed a gesture of annoyance on hearing the statements of their partner, Rafael Cardozo, who had revealed that Nicola Porcella had launched strong qualifications against participants in "Esto es Guerra".

Last edition of the youth program "Esto es Guerra", the captain of "Los Retadores", Rafael Cardozo does not hesitate to attack his friend Nicola Porcella and to say what the captain of "Los guerreros" said about the performance from his ex-wife, the popular Negrita, and the other members that make up his team.

"Nicola, I think it's good to say the good and bad sides of the competitors, but at the producer's meeting, you used the awkward word when you talked about Melissa Loza, Colombe Fiuza that her legs are heavy and that Angie Arizaga does not exist, "said Rafael Cardozo's statements.

While the Brazilian finished speaking, the aforementioned participants made a gesture of surprise at what the captain of the "Challengers" had said. While Mathias Brivio He did not hesitate to interrupt the warrior saying: "It speaks very well of Rafael, of what he should remain confidential, he takes it to the air".

Nicola Porcella was also surprised by the revealing sentences of her friend and approached the driver of "This is war", Mathias Brivio, to defend and clarify the situation.

"It makes me laugh because Rafael, because when he wants to machine, he 's so smart that he wants to take my team where he wants to go, we' ve never used those words, that 's n'. was not like that. " The critics we said were true; Melissa does not play, Paloma is heavier than before, she does not give the points before and I told her, I have no problem to say it, I think Rafael has always handled and changed the things in his favor, said the reporter. Nicola Porcella, captain of "Los guerreros".

The revealing statements of Rafael Cardozo refer to Nicola Porcella

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