The 10 most dangerous and deadly viruses for humans


They are unstoppable, they have no mercy and they will end your life without thinking twice. These fearsome enemies They are so small that they can seep into any corner of your body. We are talking about the virus, a small threat but deadly.

The virus they do not have life by themselves, so they use parts of the living cells that they infect to reproduce. Each viral particle consists of a strand of DNA or RNA, with an envelope able to bind to other cells.

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This is why the role of antibodies, produced by the immune system. These antibodies bind to cells and prevent viruses from attaching to them.

To fight virus, one must use vaccinations. The vaccinations Pre infect the body with a light version of virus, so that our immune system better knows how it works and can produce the antibiotics appropriate to fight it.

Yet there is virus who resist the remedies known by science, and which cause serious consequences for health. That's why in we present you an account with the 10 deadliest viruses on the planet.

1. Marburg

This one virus generates a haemorrhagic fever which, in 90% of cases, ends in death. Among the most famous cases, there is the epidemic that spread in 1967 in a German laboratory that studied infected monkeys.

2. Ebola

There are several subtypes of this virus, whose first epidemic was recorded in Congo in 1976. The most deadly variety is that of Zaire, since its average survival is only 10%.

In 2014, an outbreak of Ebola triggered global panic. (Photo: AFP)

3. Hanta

Discovered in 1930, it is known to be transmitted by small rodents. Its effects are devastating because it generates a viral haemorrhagic fever with pulmonary and renal diseases.

4. Dengue fever

About 50 million people a year are infected by a mosquito that transmits the virus. It causes fever, joint and muscle pain, headaches and vomiting.

viruses, health, more dangerous viruses, virus functioning, deadly viruses

This seemingly harmless mosquito is the transmitter of the terrible virus. (Photo: El Universal)

5. Kyasanur Forest Disease

This disease starts suddenly with serious bleeding, fever, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, myalgia, prostration, vomiting, among others. It is transmitted by humans, primates, rodents and birds by tick bite.

6. black typhus

Also known as Bolivian haemorrhagic fever, it is usually transmitted by rodents, whether through food or contact with their urine.

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

7. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever

It is transmitted by tick bites and has a three to four day incubation period. Symptoms include hepatic coagulation, nosebleeds, and the gastrointestinal tract.

viruses, health, more dangerous viruses, virus functioning, deadly viruses

One of the main symptoms is the appearance of bruises on the skin. (Photo: Wikicommons)

8. Lassa fever

In Africa alone, this virus causes up to 5,000 deaths a year. Among its effects are chills and anorexia.

9. Bird flu

It was discovered for the first time in Italy, 100 years ago. It is extremely contagious in birds, but requires very close contact to be passed from animals to humans.

In Mexico, there have been epidemics of this disease in birds. (Photo: El Universal)

10. The Junin

It is transmitted by mouse maize. Its mortality rate rises to 30% and causes conjunctivitis, sepsis and haemorrhagic fever.

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With information from and Curious Lists

Cómo funcionan los virus

Los 10 virus más peligrosos del mundo

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