The artificial intelligence of FIFA 19 for Switch will be more humane


Yes, it is a fact that FIFA 19 will propose several new features on PS4, Xbox One and PC as a more sophisticated first contact system; However, what about the version for Switch? Eledctronic Arts has also worked to improve it and offer a better experience. One of the elements that will be renewed in this new version will be the artificial intelligence that, according to Samuel Rivera, producer of FIFA will feel more human.

"There are two big things with [la versión para Switch]", Rivera mentioned in an interview with Gamereactor. "The first and most important is that, since many players play Switch against artificial intelligence, we wanted to renew the experience with something more fun. So we reprogrammed how the game played. artificial intelligence works in Switch to make it more humane and play more like I would. "

According to Rivera, this will result in football matches where computer-controlled teams will have tactics with which they will try to overcome Your game plan: "Basically, you'll feel that it's more human and with a more tactical approach, they'll do their tactics and try to score based on those tactics, like the real teams." So when you play against artificial intelligence in Switch, it's more fun and different. "

That's not all because the team is also working to have new shooting animations. In addition, he will have more shooting mechanics and will present a more attractive visual section. With all this, Rivera believes that the experience in Switch will feel better.

And you, what other improvement do you expect to see in FIFA 19 for Switch? Tell us in the comments.

FIFA 19 will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 4 on September 28th. Follow this link to see more news related to this.

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