The blows that a woman gave to a restaurant manager because she was not giving enough ketchup –


The case occurred in Los Angeles, the young Mayra Berenice Gallo was arrested and brought to a California court this Thursday

A 24-year-old woman beat the director of a McDonald's in California because … he did not give enough ketchup.

The police Santa Ana, 50 km south of Angels, reported Wednesday that Mayra Berenice Gallo She was arrested for appearing in court on Thursday.

Anthony Bertagna, spokesman for the Santa Ana police, told the AFP that Gallo exploded after making a purchase from Auto-Mac and "did not receive his ketchup".

"Accepted by the door of the employees and confronted the director, who said: "You must leave". There, the beating started"

Police revealed images of Gallo striking and strangling the manager in McDonald's kitchen.

Other employees then try to separate them, but only the person accompanying Gallo understands them.

Police arrested her on Tuesday after police received information about her whereabouts and charges of assault.

Bertagna said that this type of incident is becoming more common.

"We see more and more, I do not know why"He said. "In a 7-Eleven [tienda de conveniencia] a man tried to buy chocolates and, when his card was not passed, he virtually destroyed the store"

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