The crisis of FP is accentuated and continues with 60 members of Congress | Ursula Letona | fujimorismo | Popular strength | Policy


Úrsula Letona resigned from the seat of the people Fuerza Popular (FP), which will now remain with 60 members of Congress. It maintains the majority, but it is obvious that the party founded by Keiko Fujimori – now in pretrial detention – is going through a very deep crisis.

Letona was part of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of FP. He had already left the party last December. Yesterday, he passed the last stage and left the parliamentary group of which he even became the spokesperson.

He said, however, that he will maintain his friendship and loyalty to Keiko Fujimori. He informed him personally of his decision, in prison.

The justification that he gave Latvia to get away from the bench is that he did not want to be used as an "excuse" for division among his colleagues. In his letter of resignation, he wrote that he did not want to be part of "political struggles for power quotas".

Today in FP there are many factions and there is a lot of discontent. It would not be surprising that other resignations occur, especially if in the referendum of December 9, the immediate re-election of legislators is consecrated.

In a note published in La República on November 1, it was noted that Keiko Fujimori's forced absence from the PF each day could encourage some members of the party caucus to retreat and search for new winds.

Letona is the first minimum since Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho ordered the confinement of the founder of FP for a period of 36 months.

Francesco Petrozzi also left in October, citing irreconcilable differences.

Letona announced his departure from the bench fujimorista A day later, Yeni Vilcatoma demanded his resignation for allegedly blocking a corruption report to Promperú.

Letona said that the accusation was "absurd", "absolutely false" and that "it was missing". But he did not want to evaluate the behavior adopted by Vilcatoma.

In September 2016, Vilcatoma left FP, denouncing the ill-treatment. He recently returned to the party, despite complaints from some lawmakers personally addressed to Keiko Fujimori.

Broken orange

In 2016, the parliamentary list of FPs obtained 36% of the votes cast. however, the distribution figure gave it an absolute disproportionate majority: 73 seats out of 130. It was assumed then that the Orange party was the great political power of the country.

But we must not forget that out of the 73 elected members of Congress, only 11 were FP members. Internally, it was known that orange could be broken. The Vilcatoma was the first warning. In fact, it happened. The worst blow came in February, when Kenji Fujimori left the group with nine other dissidents, the "avengers".

For MP Juan Sheput, de Peruvians by the Kambio, the resignation of his colleague Letona means the collapse of this group. He added that the lack of leadership after the arrest of Keiko Fujimori and the different factions of Fujimorismo can not survive long.

Maritza García, who was also part of the FP caucus, said Letona's decision was "imminent" and that there are "trembling members of Congress" in front of the party's accusations.

Luz Salgado, secretary general of FP, said, for its part, to be "surprised".

Carlos Tubino, spokesman for the court, said Letona was a very good professional and that he should not have resigned. He said he regretted his departure from FP. The orange crisis is getting worse.

Latvia He had left the party in December 2017. Yesterday he visited Keiko in the prison and I've communicated your decision

Vergara leaves the secretariat for FP ethics

– At the resignation of Úrsula Letona to the bench of the popular forces, it was known yesterday that Edwin Vergara had left the national secretariat with the ethics and discipline of the Fujimorist party.

– By means of a letter sent to National Elections JuryVergara asked to be treated of his departure from this position.

– Legislature submitted his resignation to the party on November 21st.

– "It is a pleasure to address you to request the registration of my resignation from the position of National Secretary for Ethics and Discipline of the Fuerza Popular Political Party, which has was submitted to the political party in due time, "the statement said. The letter of Vergara.

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