The dog is adopted after 3 days waiting for the deceased owner at the hospital | FUM | news


From one moment to the next, a dog that lost its former owner and was waiting and waiting for his departure from the hospital went from absolute solitude to having two adopted humans, two "half-sisters" on all fours and a permanent home.

Facebook is often inundated with notices of lost or emergency animal cancellations, but there are few virulent stories, as was the case last Saturday with the dog who spent three days in front of the entrance of Emergency Hospital Essalud located Avenida Angamos. , in Miraflores.

The day after the rescue of this dog by Magaly Periche Jacinto and Carlos Zelada, FUM He met them in the San José square of Jesús María. They came from a veterinary clinic where a doctor had treated the infection that the animal had to the ears.

As we were able to see him up close that day, Ramses – he was renamed – was very comfortable with Magaly, Carlos and his two pets, Isis and Arena.

"At first I was scared that he was a tall man and he was very well suited to us," Magaly said.

Hours before the rescue

Last Saturday, when she realized that if she did not take things into her own hands, this helpless white dog that she saw on her mobile phone screen could spend her whole life waiting for someone to come to her house. One that would never happen, Magaly Periche Jacinto said: "There is no way."

"When I read that his owner had died, that the dog had been waiting for three days and that no one had gone to see him, I said to myself," Poor thing, no one is going to take him away. " Magaly told WUF, "A few weeks before, Carlos and I were looking to adopt a dog, but we were discouraged by the amount of demands and paperwork they required. We thought that with this dog there would be no obstacles, so we went to get him ".

A few hours before Carlos extracted a tooth, and despite the pain he felt, instead of undergoing a painkiller, Magaly and he went directly to the dog that had not only touched them but also others. 3,500 people who shared the publication the same day.

Arriving in Essalud, Magaly and Carlos were surprised that the dog was no longer facing emergency situations. They had gone out so often that the animal had taken refuge in a nearby restaurant.

"We found him lying on the floor.There were other people who had come to see him, but they told us that they had been there for 40 minutes and that they were not there. could not move it with food.The lady of the restaurant even remarked that it seemed that the puppy had been left to die of sorrow.Then Carlos finished parking his motorcycle and approached him ", said Magaly.

"I touched his little neck, I said" Hey! "And that 's how it came out. People were saying : "It's a miracle!", Added Carlos. "Then I sat on the floor to be at his height, he started to move his tail and I told Magaly & # 39; that's it, we took it ", and we did it."

This is not the first time that Carlos saves a dog from the street. Years ago, while he was still living with his parents, he saved a puppy that he found hungry and full of scabies. He became the family pet and lived 14 years. And 6 years ago, he saved the life of a puppy left by someone in a garbage bag in downtown Lima. He took her home and called her Arena.

On Saturday, after driving Ramses to a taxi, the first thing they did was take him to a veterinary clinic to have him checked and washed. Meanwhile, Magaly and Carlos, who have been dancing Marinera together for a little over a year, went to a presentation for which they had already been hired. Finishing to dance, they went in search of Ramses and took him home.

"We never imagined it was going to be so much media, my phone has not stopped ringing, I can imagine more than anything because of the coincidences with the movie," Magaly said. Referring to the story of Hachikō, a Japanese Akita dog became famous for waiting for his master at Shibuya Tokyo Station until several years after his death. Decades later, his story was projected on the big screen.

It is unlikely that the story of Ramses ends in Hollywood, but no doubt that on Saturday, this animal of about two years has passed from the dog life to the movie life.

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