The history and success of Freddie Mercury's film biography can be read in the chronicle of Pedro Suárez-Vértiz | Bohemian Rhapsody Trade | We are | Signatures


Queen is one of those groups that time does not scramble. This is an example commonly used by those who consider that the music before was the best. The band has more than ever captivated this month with the creation of the biopic of its leader, Freddie Mercury, titled Bohemian Rhapsody, as part of its famous 1975 song.

This Anglo-American production was made by Bryan Singer, who was later replaced by Dexter Fletcher. Since US law does not permit the appearance of two directors, Singer remains as a director and Fletcher as executive producer. The film was screened in the UK on October 24th and was screened on Peruvian screens on November 1st. It is without a doubt an excellent introduction tool for Queen's music for the new generations. In principle, it presents surprising details, such as the famous initial melody that accompanies the appearance of the 20th Century Fox logo played on the guitar by Brian May. Also, the careful position of the Pepsi glasses on the Mercury piano in the scene of Queen's presentation at Live Aid concert.

The actor who played the legendary musician was the American of Egyptian origin Rami Malek. As it was known, Mercury was going to be embodied in 2011 by the British Sacha Baron Cohen – famous for his character Borat – but the project never materialized. That would tell him later that he did not like the idea of ​​Mercury dying in the middle of the film and that the rest was related to how the group, without him, had taken the lead. May denied this idea and was relieved that Cohen was eliminated.

In 2013, the band's manufacturing plan was resumed and the question of who would be Mercury caused an uproar in the networks. The rumor ran about Daniel Radcliffe, famous for his role as Harry Potter, but he was quick to deny it. Dominic Cooper was then considered, then Ben Whishaw, but finally Malek was chosen.

After so many attempts, announcements and changes in eight years, the expectations were excessive and the critics negative because they balanced the quality of the film and the wait. In the New York Post, he said: "Bohemian Rhapsody has a shallow screenplay, great presentations, but it seems like the film was shot in a sauna." The Independent said: "Bohemian Rhapsody has attempted to make the band's story while serving as a satisfying biographical film for Mercury." Finally, the American weekly Variety claimed that the film "deals with Freddie's reckless sex life with gloves, which complicates the correct portrayal of the true story".

Nevertheless, the film was a success. The performance of Rami Malek as Mercury has received countless praise, Queen's songs have swept the music platforms and are already the second most successful musical biographical film in history. In fact, it has accumulated more than $ 380 million worldwide just three weeks after its premiere, surpassing Walk the Line, Johnny Cash's biopic.

In my opinion, it's excellent as a movie piece. But for those of us who know Queen well, there are noises. It is disconcerting to see, for example, that the group's historical chronology has changed in favor of the scenario: Mercury confessed his illness to his class just before leaving to play on Live Aid in 1985, when in reality he did not discovered that in 1988. brutally the veracity of the most dramatic event in the history of Queen. This also completely avoids the two years of relationship that he had with Austrian actress Barbara Valentin, who even appears in the video for It's Hard Life (1984). Not to mention that in the film, Freddie knows his future companions who watch them play under the name of Smile, while he sees them for the first time buying clothes at a flea market. Well, to see Mercury jumping on his back, which he has never done, is like watching Dylan sing heavy metal. By removing all this, Bohemian Rhapsody is a movie. I say it seriously. //

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