The judge orders the suspension of the program "La Paisana Jacinta"


November 28, 2018 at 18:45.

The judicial branch of Wanchaq Cusco, ordered that "Latina" not retransmit the program of "The Jacinta paisana" and delete the videos they have on their YouTube channel because their program is discriminatory towards the indigenous population.

In his resolution, Judge Yanet Ofelia Paredes Salas, indicates that the dissemination of "Paisana Jacinta" It shows the citizen of peasant communities as a dirty, ignorant, clumsy, violent and rude people.

The judge of the first mixed jurisdiction of Wanchaq, province of Cusco, adds that this situation is contrary to respect for human dignity, the right to equality and non-discrimination on ethnic grounds, the right to Honor and good reputation, ethnic identity and the principle of tolerance of diversity.

For all these facts, the first mixed court of Wanchaq, province of Cusco, ordered the Compañía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión S.A. (Frecuencia Latina) which, although it stopped broadcasting said program in 2015, does not broadcast it by open signal or by cable.

He also ordered the company to delete the videos containing the content of said video. program on your YouTube channel or on any other visual platform.

On November 19, the magistrate declared an action in amparo founded, asking inter alia: a) to order Frecuencia Latina to publicly apologize to the indigenous peoples of Peru, b) to order Frecuencia Latina to suspend the publication of each chapter of the "Paisana Jacinta" program until its contents are repaid, c) to recommend to the State entities the adoption of policies and measures of awareness-raising and education aimed at to all citizens, d) ordered to delete all videos of this program in their Youtube channels.

In his sentence, the Judge He cited the United Nations in recognizing that the said program discriminated against the indigenous population.

The lawsuits against Amparo were brought by Cecilia Paniura Medina, Rosa Supho Ccallo, Irene Quispe Taboada and Rosalinda Torres Morante against the president of the board of the Compañía Latinoamericana de Radiodifusión S.A. "Frecuencia Latina" Jesus Zamorathe Minister of Transport and Communications, José Gallardo Ku, and his prosecutor, Jaime Vales Carrillo; Ministry of Culture represented by Diana Alvarez-Calderon Gallo with the quote of the Attorney General for Judicial Affairs, Javier Wilfredo Paredes Sotelo.

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