The Ministry of Health estimates that 72,000 people have HIV –


In Peru, about 72,000 people are infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), at the origin of AIDS, of which 79% are diagnosed, the Ministry of Health announced today. as a result of a screening campaign organized for the International Day Against AIDS.

"HIV is no longer synonymous with death, it is a chronic infection that, through early diagnosis and treatment, can lead to a healthy life.", Explained the head of the Directorate of Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS, Patricia Segura, at Andina State Agency.

Segura added that "it is desirable for the person to go to the health center sooner if they are feeling well, especially if they have multiple partners or unprotected sex."

The transmission of the virus which, converted into AIDS, attacks the immune system, can also occur from mother to child during delivery, which is why pregnant women should also undergo this test. The detection of the virus requires a drop of blood taken from a finger and the result is ready in about 20 minutes.

On the occasion of World Aids Day, celebrated on Saturday December 1st, the Peruvian Ministry will offer free tests and counseling information on Plaza Manco Cápac, in La Victoria district, Lima . EFE

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