The regions will have 2019 with a historic opening budget of S / 50,000 million | Economy


Carlos Oliva, Minister of Economy and Finance, assured that the public budget for 2019, which amounted to 168 074 million S, had as priorities investments in health and education , as well as to guarantee and accelerate the process of rebuilding the North

"The budget for 209, which is 6.9 per cent higher than in 2018, is aimed at maintaining a responsible fiscal policy, stimulating economic growth, ensuring the efficient use of resources and strengthening the decentralization process. mainly in the area of ​​public finance, "he said during a presentation to Parliament.

Thus, he explained that in Resources for education are planned for $ 30 628 billion, giving priority to the increase in the remuneration of appointed and hired teachers, by increasing the salary of income from 2,000 to 2,200 S / 8 (820 million S), to the budget of public universities (452 million S) and the maintenance of schools (S 366 million). All this will increase the participation of the education sector from 3.7% to 3.8% of GDP.

While in Health, the budget amounts to 18 217 million S, strengthening the remuneration policy, including the implementation of Legislative Decree 1153 ($ 772 million) and the guarantee of the operation and maintenance of health centers ($ 450 million).

On the fiscal side, the two sectors represent a significant percentage of the budget, about 29%, which corresponds to nearly 49 billion S in total.

While for the fight against anemia, it allocates 1.041 billion S, 11.1% higher than that of 2018. This money will finance budget programs such as maternal and neonatal health, Nutritional articulation and More cradle, in prioritizing pregnant women, in children under 36 months, with the focus being on children under one year of age.

Similarly, up to US $ 50 million will be transferred to local governments to promote home visiting to ensure iron consumption among children under one year of age.

In order to guarantee the reconstruction process of the areas affected by El Niño Costero, the increase of the level of execution of the interventions will be encouraged. To this end, $ 7,000,000,000 will be allocated, of which $ 1,686,000,000 is programmed directly into tender call files to ensure timely completion.

In addition, the Reconstructing Authority with Changes (ARCC) has an additional budget of 5,314 million S / L for transfers that finance interventions under the reconstruction plan.

Oliva said that in terms of decentralization, 30% of the budget would be allocated to the regional and local governments of the country and, furthermore, it is planned to transfer from the national government 6 billion S during the year.

"If we only look at capital expenditure, the share of subnational governments goes up to 35%, the highest recorded.This shows a clearly decentralizing approach, with the objective that the new authorities have resources from the first day of their administration, "he said.

He also pointed out that next year, the regional and local governments would have the largest historic opening budget, about $ 50,000,000, 19% more than the previous year, as well as a larger participation as a percentage of the total budget. because it increases by 3 percentage points.

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