The Samsung flexible screen phone we'll see next year, according to WSJ


For years, the launch of a flexible screen phone by Samsung has been rumored, but according to the latest report from The Wall Street Journal this expected smartphone will see it on the market next year .

The report states that Samsung is preparing a smartphone with a seven-inch screen, capable of doubling as it's a portfolio . Of course, in addition to the screen inside, on the outside would also have some type of panel, which should incorporate a battery with a capacity greater than normal.

Apparently, this phone will initially be focused on certain market niches, as the gamers it would also have a somewhat prohibitive price of over $ 1,500 .

There are several patents from Samsung on this type of factors, one of the last being that of the image we leave next, which has a huge similarity with the phone which it reports The Wall Street Journal ]:

  Galaxy Via LetsGoDigital.

In April of last year, one of Samsung Display 's engineers said that the flexible display technology had to mature, and that it would only be that' s. in 2019 that we would see it implemented. This is almost exactly what the WSJ reports on the launch of this theoretical smartphone.

In addition to this supposed soft-screen mobile, Samsung is preparing for 2019 the tenth version of its Galaxy S . Rumors and reports suggest that it will be available in three sizes, will have a fingerprint sensor on the inside of the screen and with five cameras: three at the back and two in the front.

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